Monday 31 March 2008

Day 5, Breaking the fast

I broke the fast yesterday evening by eating one and a half apples.
I just wanted to eat something, and they seemed to do the trick.

Today I've had:
  • wheatgrass juice
  • orange juice
And I've taken some bentonite clay and physilium husk to help clean out any toxins.

I've finished off the supply of wheatgrass I grew, and have no desire for anymore at the moment.

My new plan is to have an orange juice for breakfast (5 oranges), vegetable juice mid morning (apples, carrots, celery, greens), and then have a green smoothie which will include some nuts of seeds in the afternoon. At dinner time I might have another vegetable juice, or a salad, or maybe a lovely pudding.

I'll see how I feel. I may want to have an almond milk smoothie that isn't green, or some nut pates.

Not feeling that good at the moment, and still have a metallic taste in my mouth.

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