Monday 9 June 2008

Summer Clear Out

I'm suffering with hayfever, on and off at the moment, and have decided to have a summer juice feast over the next few days.

I'm planning on eating whole apples as well to clear out the old intestines and remove as much toxic waste as possible! I may even do a olive oil liver flush if I'm feeling brave.

So here goes.

Day 1: Raw Juice Feast and Apple Detox

  • grapefruit and orange juice for breakfast
  • 2 apples
  • another apple
  • 2 pints of water (sipped throughout the morning)
  • pineapple, cucumber and mint juice for lunch

Weather is glorious - sunny and warm. And today is an easy peaceful day- working from home, plus bit of housework, bit of yoga, bit of sketching, little bit of a sunbathe - and now back to work!

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