Tuesday 24 June 2008

Summer Juice Fast

Summer's here and it's time for me to detox and get in shape.

So today is day 1 of my fantabulous juice fast.

Today's menu - all loving prepared by yours truly with my lovely Samson Juicer:

2 x Pineapple, Orange, and Celery Juice

1 x Apple and Blackcurrant Juice

1 x Apple and Spinach Juice with lemon

Activities: Gardening, Swimming, Photography, Web Design, and just a little bit of sitting in the sun reading snow crash!

Mood: &frac710;

Monday 9 June 2008

Summer Clear Out

I'm suffering with hayfever, on and off at the moment, and have decided to have a summer juice feast over the next few days.

I'm planning on eating whole apples as well to clear out the old intestines and remove as much toxic waste as possible! I may even do a olive oil liver flush if I'm feeling brave.

So here goes.

Day 1: Raw Juice Feast and Apple Detox

  • grapefruit and orange juice for breakfast
  • 2 apples
  • another apple
  • 2 pints of water (sipped throughout the morning)
  • pineapple, cucumber and mint juice for lunch

Weather is glorious - sunny and warm. And today is an easy peaceful day- working from home, plus bit of housework, bit of yoga, bit of sketching, little bit of a sunbathe - and now back to work!

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Alternatives to Just Juice?

I've been thinking of doing a modified juice fast when Joe goes back to school.
Possible Menu:
  • Citrus Juice,
  • Mixed Vegetable Juice,
  • Smoothie, Salad, or Vegetable Juice with avocados
  • plus as much whole fruit as I want (especially apples)
I think I'd enjoy eating this way, and it would be kinder to my body as the fibre in the smoothie, salad, and apples would gentle remove any toxins each day, while still being easy to digest.

At the moment I'm being raw until tea time and then joining in with the family meal, and having the odd bar of chocolate!

Monday 31 March 2008

Day 5, Breaking the fast

I broke the fast yesterday evening by eating one and a half apples.
I just wanted to eat something, and they seemed to do the trick.

Today I've had:
  • wheatgrass juice
  • orange juice
And I've taken some bentonite clay and physilium husk to help clean out any toxins.

I've finished off the supply of wheatgrass I grew, and have no desire for anymore at the moment.

My new plan is to have an orange juice for breakfast (5 oranges), vegetable juice mid morning (apples, carrots, celery, greens), and then have a green smoothie which will include some nuts of seeds in the afternoon. At dinner time I might have another vegetable juice, or a salad, or maybe a lovely pudding.

I'll see how I feel. I may want to have an almond milk smoothie that isn't green, or some nut pates.

Not feeling that good at the moment, and still have a metallic taste in my mouth.

Sunday 30 March 2008

Day 4 Detox Juice Fast,
or should that be Juice Feast?

Today's menu:
  • wheat grass juice
  • carrot, apple, and celery (1/2 glass)
  • orange juice
  • V8 Juice
  • Beetroot Juice with cucumber and pineapple (1/2 glass)
  • Pineapple Juice with beetroot (1/2 glass)
  • orange juice
Thats a lot of juice, and I still feel hungry/thirsty.
This is turning more into a Juice Feast than a Juice Fast!

Saturday 29 March 2008

Orange Juice and Wheatgrass

Its now day 3, and I'm starting to enjoy the experience.
Yesterday's menu was as follows:
  • wheat grass shot (yuck)
  • orange juice (5 oranges)
  • celery juice with spinach, carrot, and apple
  • orange juice (5 oranges)
Today's menu:
  • wheat grass shot (still yuck!)
  • orange juice (with 1/2 lemon)
  • celery, carrot and apple
  • orange juice
  • orange juice
At the end of day 1 I felt really tired and had an early night, but last night I felt fine. I've been able to stay pretty active, and apart from a bad metallic taste in my mouth I'm good.

Thursday 27 March 2008

Detox Juice Fast Begins

Todays menu:
  • 8am : orange juice (5 oranges)
  • 11.15am: 15 min run
  • 11.30am: orange juice (5 oranges)
  • 2.45pm: carrot, apple, and celery juice
  • 4pm: oranges (4 oranges)
Feeling a bit spaced out!