Wednesday 22 September 2010

Time for an Autumn Juice Fast

The trees are turning georgous colours, and the weather is all over the place - rather like myself at the moment.

Definately time for an Autumnal Juice Fast/Cleanse.

I've been troubled with some dry itchy skin on my face this summer and have now leapt into action sprouting and growing wheatgrass and sunflower greens like crazy. I just want to be calm and at peace with myself and my skin!

Pre juice fast day today.

All RAW and juicy.

8 am Shot of wheatgrass

11 am Sunflower and spinach salad with sesame, orange, and garlic dressing.

12 pm Berry delicious smoothies

Also drinking lots of water to flush things out.

Aiming to just have another juice later for dinner.

Now I just need to leave my face alone and breathe deeply.

GGGrrrrrr. Will I ever feel calm and focused again?????

Friday 18 June 2010

Day 6 - Final Day

Decided to break the fast today as I've a busy weekend ahead - and the weather is cloudy and I'm feeling cold! Warm air and sunshine make living on juice fun for me.

Ate a couple of apples at lunch time, and had a nice crunch salad for tea.

Back to juices, smoothies, and salads tomorrow!

Thursday 17 June 2010

Day 5 juice fast for peace

I've been sleeping in my dressing gown as I do feel the cold when I juice fast, which means I wake up hot and thirsty! Felt great this morning. Had a large drink of water on waking and made a large batch of watermelon juice up again today. Used most of a whole dark green watermelon, plus a lemon, lots of ginger, a bunch of corriander, a bunch of parsley, and some celery, which made it green which should help with the detox. Oh i also did oil pulling with coconut oil first thing which always seems to make me feel good.

I was so busy didn't get round to having a juice until lunchtime. As I had the juice my jaw/ear started aching again. I'm pretty sure it's toothache but none of my teeth hurt. I'm going to see if I can cure it myself as the pain isn't too bad. I like to drink my juice through a straw as well so not sure why it set it off. Ho hum.

Apart from that I feel really good!! The lovely hot weather we're having makes juice fasting a relative breeze. If I feel horribly cold I just go out and warm up in the sun for a few minutes and I feel good again.

Juice fasting when it's cold is so much harder.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Coming to the end of Day 4

Still going strong - if you don't count the tomatoes. I just found this article linking tomato cravings to iron deficiency which may mean I need more greens tomorrow! I don't really crave them though - more because they were there and something to munch on.

Still feeling good but I lost my temper earlier (just a bit!).

Over half way now and starting to wonder what to break the fast with. (not tomatoes!)

Day 4 juice fast for peace

Feeling the clarity coming today. Less sitting in front of the computer, and more actually 'doing' which is good. I'm reading Anthony Robbins Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! and it's definately helping me to focus.

Juiced up a watermelon with 3 large romain lettuce leaves and lots of ginger and lemon last night and today I'm alternating drinking watermelon juice with drinking water. Definately drinking more water today.

Had a half hour sunbathe while reading Anthony Robbins!

I did an enema yesterday but haven't done one today - don't feel the need. Not my favorite things but an effective way of clearing out the colon while juice fasting.

Feel pretty good at the moment, even with an empty ache in my tummy and guts. Not actual hunger just emptiness.

Half way there now!

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Late(ish) Night Cravings

Suffering tonight, really want to comfort eat on one level, but on another level I just want to as healthy and vibrant as I can be - and world peace of course!

I ate about 6 very delicous juicy tomatoes while I was chopping them up for Dave and Joe's tea. On reflection it would have been utla easy to whizz them in the mini-blender and strain them through a sieve, although at up to 95% water (according to WikiAnswers) they pretty much all juice anyway so it's fine!

I'm not straining any of my juices so little bits of insoluble fiber are getting through anyway.

Steve Meyerowitz in his realy useful book Juice Fasting and Detoxification: Use the Healing Power of Fresh Juice to Feel Young and Look Great recommends you do strain your juices so that they have no insoluble fiber to help prevent you staying hungry. Not sure if this is true of not but it kinda makes sense.

Day3 juice fast for peace

Doing well!!

Nothing like world peace to motivate me it would seem, or maybe it's the ear ache?? Thought I was cured when I lay down last night but it came back with avengence. I (wo)manfuly didn't take any pain killers and thankfully it went away.

I've been drinking the watermelon juice from yesterday, and now it's lunch time here in the u.k. and I've just enjoyed an apple juice with and celery juice with ginger and lemon. Lots of ginger to try and cure the old ear ache.

One stored in the fridge later for tea tonight.

Must go and drink some water as I feel a little dehydrated. Why does juice fasting deydrate you?? You'd think it would do the opposite. I guess my bodies getting rid of toxins and needs to flush them out??

Monday 14 June 2010

Day 2 juice fast for peace

I'm so not hungry today. Which is good considering the circumstances!

Had an OJ this morning as I've drunk all the watermelon.

Nipped to the shops at lunch time and stocked up on watermelon, apples, parsley, and celery which should keep me going for a couple of days.

Juiced up another watermelon with ginger and lemon.

Fridge is well stocked as I'm still not very hungry.

Ideally I should be going lots of yoga and meditation, maybe later!!

Sunday 13 June 2010

Day 1 juice fast for peace

If you can't be there - The NYC Jice fast for peace - then do it a home!

I've decide to join in with the juice fast from the north of England. It's beautiful, sunny, and warm - perfect for juice fasting.

I've got an organic watermelon and I'm going to juice that up rind and all, with a bit of ginger and lemon.

Later that day....

Loving the watermelon, I'm going to do some research on them and add a new page to my fruit juice recipes page.

I remember reading that they were very good for you, full of beta-carotene (the red flesh), and if you juice the rind as well then you get chlorophyll too.

I'm storing it in glass jars in the fridge, plus take some out in a flask when I'm on the move.

At the moment I have pain in my left ear at night with really bad jaw/ear pain so this fast is going to heal that I hope!