Tuesday 15 June 2010

Day3 juice fast for peace

Doing well!!

Nothing like world peace to motivate me it would seem, or maybe it's the ear ache?? Thought I was cured when I lay down last night but it came back with avengence. I (wo)manfuly didn't take any pain killers and thankfully it went away.

I've been drinking the watermelon juice from yesterday, and now it's lunch time here in the u.k. and I've just enjoyed an apple juice with and celery juice with ginger and lemon. Lots of ginger to try and cure the old ear ache.

One stored in the fridge later for tea tonight.

Must go and drink some water as I feel a little dehydrated. Why does juice fasting deydrate you?? You'd think it would do the opposite. I guess my bodies getting rid of toxins and needs to flush them out??

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