Thursday 17 June 2010

Day 5 juice fast for peace

I've been sleeping in my dressing gown as I do feel the cold when I juice fast, which means I wake up hot and thirsty! Felt great this morning. Had a large drink of water on waking and made a large batch of watermelon juice up again today. Used most of a whole dark green watermelon, plus a lemon, lots of ginger, a bunch of corriander, a bunch of parsley, and some celery, which made it green which should help with the detox. Oh i also did oil pulling with coconut oil first thing which always seems to make me feel good.

I was so busy didn't get round to having a juice until lunchtime. As I had the juice my jaw/ear started aching again. I'm pretty sure it's toothache but none of my teeth hurt. I'm going to see if I can cure it myself as the pain isn't too bad. I like to drink my juice through a straw as well so not sure why it set it off. Ho hum.

Apart from that I feel really good!! The lovely hot weather we're having makes juice fasting a relative breeze. If I feel horribly cold I just go out and warm up in the sun for a few minutes and I feel good again.

Juice fasting when it's cold is so much harder.

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