Tuesday 15 June 2010

Late(ish) Night Cravings

Suffering tonight, really want to comfort eat on one level, but on another level I just want to as healthy and vibrant as I can be - and world peace of course!

I ate about 6 very delicous juicy tomatoes while I was chopping them up for Dave and Joe's tea. On reflection it would have been utla easy to whizz them in the mini-blender and strain them through a sieve, although at up to 95% water (according to WikiAnswers) they pretty much all juice anyway so it's fine!

I'm not straining any of my juices so little bits of insoluble fiber are getting through anyway.

Steve Meyerowitz in his realy useful book Juice Fasting and Detoxification: Use the Healing Power of Fresh Juice to Feel Young and Look Great recommends you do strain your juices so that they have no insoluble fiber to help prevent you staying hungry. Not sure if this is true of not but it kinda makes sense.

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